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About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

The Southeast KY Community & Technical College (SKCTC) Upward Bound Math Science (UBMS) purpose is to strengthen the math and science skills of 60 students that meet eligibility guidelines at our target schools.  Upward Bound Math Science (UBMS) works to help low-income and first generation-to-college high school students recognize and develop their potential to excel in fields related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), and to encourage them to pursue postsecondary degrees in math and science that ultimately lead to STEM careers. 


UBMS is composed of academic year and summer components that provide participants with courses in advanced math, science (including laboratories), foreign languages, composition, computers, and literature.  The Bridge service (assisting the transition from high school graduation to college enrollment) consists of enrolling participants in college courses during the summer.  Services to UBMS participants include, but not are limited to: tutoring, counseling, financial literacy, career and college exploration, cultural enrichment, test preparation, and home and school visits.  Many activities focus on math and science through partnerships with math and science related business and community organizations


The UBMS program also provides fun and enriching activities including field trips to colleges around our region, cultural enrichment trips with out of state destinations; past destinations have included: Washington D.C., New York City, Orlando, Chattanooga, Chicago, Atlanta, and much more. Finally the great thing about UBMS is students that participate in the program receive a money stipend each semester and summer, that students can spend however they wish.



To be eligible to participate in UBMS, students must meet ALL of the following criteria:

  • Meet federal low-income guidelines OR be a potential first-generation college student (neither parent has a bachelor’s degree)

    • 2/3 of participants must be BOTH low-income and first-generation, with the remaining 1/3 being either/or.

  • Have completed 8th grade, but not yet entered 12th grade

  • Attend Bell County High School, Harlan County High School, or Letcher County Central High School

  • Have an expressed interest in studying science, technology, math, or science, (STEM) in college

Meet The Team


Amanda Creech

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UBMS Director

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Cory Clem 

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Instructional Specialist

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Jennifer Brackett

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Educational Specialist

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Upward Bound Math & Science - Southeast, All Rights Reserved. Design and Maintained By UBMS Staff

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